Glossaries, dictionaries and encyclopaedias
Ask Oxford - Oxford dictionaries, quotes, questions and answers (EN)
Encyclopaedia Britannica - one of the useful encyclopaedias (EN)
The Free Dictionary - a reference dictionary with both British and American pronunciation (EN)
Investor Words - a very good finance and investment glossary (EN)
Oilfield glossary - a large glossary of oil production terms (EN)
CO to je - term search in Czech period dictionaries: Ottův slovník naučný, Ottův slovník naučný nové doby, Malá československá encyklopedie and Universum – all of them originating back in 19th and the first half of the 20th century. (CZ)
Wikipedia EN and Wikipedia SK - perhaps the best known and most frequently used internet encyclopaedia
Urban Dictionary - a dictionary of modern slang (EN)
Meriam Webster Visual Dictionary - a pictorial dictionary. Sometimes pictures indeed speak a thousand words. (EN)
Meriam Webster - another decent general English dictionary (EN)
Translation assisting sources - answers to millions of questions (EN)
RoyMech - useful information, charts, formulas and terminology from the area of mechanical and material engineering (EN)
Roymech - Geometrical Tolerancing - dimension tolerances in technical drawings (EN)
Mitcalc – Tolerances and fits - description of machine part fits and tolerances (EN)
SR Railway traffic regulations - a lot of useful terminology from the field of railway transport, infrastructure, station and track equipment, etc. (SK)
SR Industrial Property Authority - an excellent website for searching patens published in various countries. PDF files with complete patent applications. (SK)
Invitation consultants - Find out how to officially invite her majesty queen to your birthday party. Wording for invitations of all kinds. (EN)
Law approximation Department of the SR Government Office - extensive SK/EN EU legislation glossaries, a manual for translating acts of the EU Council, and more (SK/EN)
Law Approximation Department and Technical Support Department of SR GO - a registry of official translations of EU and SR legislation (SK/EN)
Inštrukcia k patentovým prihláškam - instructions as to what a patent application should contain and how it should look like. Important to know when translating patent applications. (SK)
English in general
English forums - a forum for cracking linguistic nuts (EN)
Un-English markers - Some characteristic mistakes made by foreigners whose English is otherwise good and a couple of other interesting articles (EN)
Wordspy - Researching the origin and meaning of new words occurring in English language (EN)
British National Corpus - a simple search in BNC – World (EN)
Guide to Grammar and Style By Jack Lynch - quite nice guide to English grammar and style (EN)
Slovak in general
Slovak National Corpus - an electronic database of Slovak language with additional linguistic information and a powerful search engine (SK)
Online Lexicon of Slovak - the on-line version of the Short Dictionary of Slova. (SK)
A word with Slovak language - almost legendary programme broadcasted daily by the Slovak Radio (SK)
Tools for translators
Tools for translators - a number of useful (paid) tools for increasing the translation efficiency, for instance when working with Excel of PowerPoint (EN)
Multilingual - Free tools for translators - other tools and macros for translators, including a macro for word/character counting in PowerPoint (EN)
Intelliwebsearch - very useful search tool for translators allowing you to search several websites and/or dictionaries installed on your hard drive at once (EN)
Professional associations
Slovak Association Of Translators And Interpreters (SK/EN)
Union of Interpreters and Translators (CZ/SK/EN)
Interpreting equipment
T Service, s.r.o. (EN)
Contest, s.r.o. (EN)
Konseza, s.r.o. in Zilina, Central Slovakia (EN)
Miscellaneous - a website with fantastic video tutorials for learning various software – Photoshop, Office, web design, you name it. Paid but well worth every cent. (EN)